Research policy

Drawing on a rich history of cooperation on one of France’s largest research sites, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University promotes research in the humanities and social sciences, encompassing all of the field’s specificities and diversity.

As the main supervisor of 16 research units and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH), and accreditor of seven doctoral schools, our University brings together more than 400 professors and 500 doctoral students in law, management, geography and planning, history, infocom, literature, languages and philosophy, and also encourages cross-disciplinary dynamics.

We support a wide range of demanding, high-quality research, from the most fundamental to the most community-based.

Our key scientific and ethical principles

In accordance with its institutional project and the priority given to accessibility, Jean Moulin University is committed to the major scientific and ethical principles of the European Research Area: the transparency and openness of science, the freedom of research, scientific integrity and the social accountability of research.

The University promotes the values of the European HRER (Human Resources Excellence in Research) award, which brings together these key principles. It is implementing these principles through an ambitious policy of open science and sustained investment in scientific integrity, helping to democratise knowledge and restore confidence in science as a common and public good.

Our practical commitments: the 2025 research ambition plan

Defending the principles of the HRER award also requires concrete action and a historic, multi-year effort to make research more attractive and to improve the quality of work life. Launched in 2023, the 2025 research ambition plan will give researchers time, substantial financial resources (a 60% increase in laboratory funding), space and the means to raise their profile in a strengthened dialogue between science and society.

This support also involves strengthening research support services, in particular the new Research and Doctoral Studies Department.

Ecological transition and eco-responsibility

Convinced that ecology is an integral part of the diversity of its research themes, the University is committed to the key principles of sustainable development and social responsibility (SD&SR).
?cole universitaire de la transition écologique
Our site is at the forefront of research into the urban environment and the links between health and the environment, and our institution actively supports ecology research, in terms of both responsible practices and the range of topics studied. In a university renowned for its training, the School of Ecological Transition reflects this training dynamic through and in research, which permeates all courses from Bachelor’s to PhDs.

HRER Award

Open science

Scientific integrity
